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Unlocking Success: Navigating the Probation Period with New Hires BVK Red Small Icon

Unlocking Success: Navigating the Probation Period with New Hires

By admin | 28 Sep 2023

Employers can place newly hired employees on probation to assess their suitability for the role. The probation

Probation Period Management Checklist:

1. Initial Meeting – At the start of their probation - the initial probation meeting is an opportunity to establish a positive rapport with the employee, set clear expectations, and create a foundation for a successful working relationship. It's essential to listen actively to the employee's questions and concerns and tailor the discussion to their specific role and responsibilities

·        - Define the job standards

·        - Set a period of review;

·        - Offer training and development opportunities;

·        - Offer resources;

·        - Allow the Employee to respond and provide their statement.

2. Formal follow up Meeting – Midway through probation or as needed - The goal of the midway performance review is to ensure that the employee is aware of their progress, has a clear understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement, and has a plan in place to successfully complete the probation period. It's also an opportunity to reinforce open communication and support the employee's growth

·        - Progress Toward Goals;

·        - Performance Feedback;

·        - Areas for Improvement;

·        - Offer training and development opportunities;

·        - Offer resources;

·        - Adjustments to Goals or Expectations;

·        - Future Action Plan;

·        - Assistance to be given to the Employee;

·        - Final period of review.

3. Final Meeting – At the end of Probation - The final review at the end of the probation period is a critical assessment that helps determine the employee's fit for the organisation and their potential for long-term success in their role. It's essential to provide clear feedback and make a decision that aligns with the best interests of both the employee and the organisation.

·       -  Overall performance evaluation;

·        - Goal Achievement;

·        - Alignment with Company Values and Culture;

·        - General Feedback from others in the company;

·        - Decision/result;

·        - Future Plans and Development, if successful;

·        - Feedback and Next Steps.

Remember that at every stage its important to Allow the Employee to respond and provide their statement. Contact Michelle for more information on how to follow this procedure with a new Employee.

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